In a word? Now. The time of year depends on you and your needs (newborns arrive whenever they please, after all), but fall is my busiest season, followed by spring. Newborns can be photographed any time of day; early mornings are generally best for little kids; if you have older kids, all adults, or your family just doesn’t do mornings, then evenings work well, too. Depending on the season, I’m generally booked around a month in advance. If you have a date by which you need your photos, please contact me as early as possible and let me know about your timing.
Because you blink and they change. You blink again and they’re off to school. Then college. Then you look back at the photos of yourself when your kids were little and laugh about that tiny crease you were convinced was a huge wrinkle. Then the photos of your baby become the photos she now compares with her own baby’s face. Then the album you keep on the bookshelf becomes the grandkids’ favorite thing to look at during the holidays while you tell them the stories of where they came from.
You will never regret not putting this off. Never.
That's me with my two kids. I live with my kids, my husband, and our giant dog in the most adorable, historical home south of Boston. I love coffee and reading, and climbing to the highest point in every place I visit. My name is Aubrey with a "B" and I'm named after a song by the band Bread. I've been dedicated to this business since 2009.
I'm a fan of on-location sessions... there's no cleaning involved and your kiddos have an opportunity to play and explore freely. My recommended locations are easy, accessible, and visually interesting spots around the Franklin, Walpole, and Easton areas. That said, if you would like to have your newborn session at home, I can make that happen.
If you’ve ever shopped for art of any kind before, you know prices are all over the map… and that’s certainly true with photography as well. And like with other art, those prices aren’t easily compared - it’s not apples to apples. With a session fee of $200 and collections starting at $500, you’ll find that my work is neither the cheapest nor the most expensive in the area, but it does represent one of the best values. With over a decade of experience and a great review record on Google, you can invest confidently knowing your money will be well spent.