Aubrey Greene

Aubrey Greene

Mother’s Day Mini Session

Apr 25

POSTED IN: Portraits

Mother's Day Mini SessionThis Mother’s Day Mini Session was something I look forward to every year.  This year I offered one Mother’s Day Mini Session Day and one Family Mini Session Day. This Mother’s Day Portrait in Wrentham with Mom and her three kids was a great way to celebrate mom.  I have known this family for many, many years and I still am surprised at their growth when I compare the different years of images. We had so much fun in the tall grass and playing up their different personalities.  I think it really shows!  A Wrentham Farm session really is my favorite in the early spring.  Be on the lookout for another Mother’s Day Mini Session coming soon.  Also, be sure to get on my newsletter community list to be the first to know when dates become available.

Mother's Day Mini Session Mother's Day Mini Session Mother's Day Mini Session Mother's Day Mini Session Mother's Day Mini Session Mother's Day Mini Session Mother's Day Mini Session Mother's Day Mini Session Mother's Day Mini Session Mother's Day Mini Session

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